Awards and jurys 2007


Nicole Brenez
Vincent Dieutre
Luigi Magri
Cristina Piccino
Maurice Tinchant
Parain One+One : Fred Poulet

Martin Wheeler
Javier Packer-Comyn
Stéphane Delorme


Grand Prix Best Narrative Feature Film: 

Rome plutôt que vous, Tariq Teguia (Algérie - France - Allemagne, 111 mn)

Grand Prix Best Documentary Feature Film:

Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind, John Gianvito (Etats-Unis, 58 mn)

Special Mention for the Best Documentary Feature Film:

L'An prochain à Jérusalem, Myriam Aziza (France, 88 mn)

French Film Award:

A côté, Stéphane Mercurio (France, 92 mn)

Grand Prix Best French Short Film:

Entracte, Yann Gonzalez (France, 15 mn)

Grand Prix Best Foreign Short Film:

China, China, João Pedro Rodrigues et João Rui Guerra da Mata (Portugal, 19 mn)

Grand Prix Best Documentary Short Film :

Black and White Trypps Number Three, Ben Russell (Etats-Unis, 12 mn)

Janine Bazin Award for Best Actors (ex-aequo):

Samira Kaddour et Rachid Amrani for their roles in the movie Rome plutôt que vous
Raphaël Bouvet for his role in the movie Où se trouve le chef de la prison ?

One+One Award:

Loren Cass, Chris Fuller (Etats-Unis, 83 mn)

Special Mention One+One Award:

Cap Nord, Sandrine Rinaldi (France, 59 mn)

Audience Narrative Feature Film Award: 

Andalucia, Alain Gomis (France, 90 mn)

Audience Narrative Short Film Award: 

China, China, João Pedro Rodrigues et João Rui Guerra da Mata (Portugal, 19 mn)

Audience Documentary Film Award:

A Côté, Stéphane Mercurio (France, 92 mn)



The submissions for the International Competition of the 39th edition ntrevues, Belfort International Film Festival of are open until July 31.  

Retrospective Luc Moullet

Luc Moullet's films are back in theaters in restored versions from January 31! Thanks to the outstanding work of Gaël Teicher (La Traverse). In the presence of Luc Moullet.

2023 Awards

The 38th edition winners !


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