38th edition 2023 short & midlength films

Windows open and close on other windows. In sleep, spaces and times embrace each other. A pinhole dream within a dream. I sleep on a carpet that becomes a forest.
Antoine Pirotte studies cinematography at La Fémis. Monde est un trou pour moi, is his graduation film. In 2023, he is the director of photography and the lead actor in Pierre Creton’s A Prince.
- Scénario
- Antoine PIROTTE
- Photographie
- Antoine PIROTTE
- Son
- Antoine PIROTTE, Valentin KEUNG
- Montage
- Production
- La Fémis
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A word from the selection committee :
In Monde est un trou pour moi Antoine Pirotte divides up his world into countless spots of light, and images that he arranges and disjoins immediately, as would a child. This game conjures up a fragmented world where what happens off-screen becomes very significant, where one can playfully mimic a still-life painting, a comic speech bubble, or a Persian rug. It is not only an experimental film, it is also fun: the director takes the pieces of the puzzle, which we will all recognise are taken straight from our daily lives (a cat’s gaze, shadows through a window), and twists their meaning ever so slightly. Antoine Pirotte’s The World is a Hole for Me makes time to “secretly listen” (as revealed by Valère Novarina’s text, in the middle of the film, as the camera bursts out of the darkness) by a simple change of perspective.
- Vincent Poli