Some strings

Each memory that is freed is the first step for all memories to gatherEdouard GlissantFilmmakers and artists from around the world have formed Some strings, an ensemble ofunreleased filmic gestures that that is rooted in Palestine, where poet and teacher RefaatAlareer was targeted by Israeli strikes along with seven members of his family.In his last poem,If I Must Die, published five weeks before his murder, Refaat Alareer callsthosewho should liveto create a kite - a long-standing object of resistance- with bits ofstring and Some Strings, just like each of his readers, receives it as a legacy.The kites here are a diversity of views that share a space against the silences, internationalindifference and continued approval of states, which are already fabricating memorialconfusions about the greatest civilian massacre of the 21st century. The systematicextermination of the Palestinian people on Palestinian soil is taking place before our veryeyes, and international diplomacy is failing to prevent war crimes, crimes against humanityand genocidal actions.“It's important to remember that genocide occurs whenever we deny the organic link ofpopulations to genos, to what we have in common. When Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallantsays that there are “human animals” opposite, he is pedagogically expressing genocidalintentions. When the President of Israel says that there is no difference between civilians andcombatants and subjects the entire Palestinian population to collective punishment, whenIsraeli government ministers claim that the use of nuclear bombs against Gaza is plausible,(...), when we discover plans for the mass displacement of Palestinians.nes, when the IsraeliMinister for Social Equality and Women's Empowerment declares that she is “proud of theruins of Gaza” and that, in 80 years' time, all babies will be able to tell their grandchildren whatthe Jews did there, we are confronted not only with genocidal intentions, but with one of themost sordid and intolerable declarations of the cult of violence imaginable.”Vladimir Safatle, April,2024(São Paulo University).Launched in March 2024, Some Strings has so far brought together over 100 artists,producing nearly 6 hours of short films, shown since June 25 and with no limit on dates, allover the world: cinemas and festivals as pre-programs or continuously. Some Strings can beadapted to all kinds of community spaces, protest camps and arts centers.This initiative will continue to build and its diffusion will take place over the short, medium andlong term.
Program schedule and events: some-strings.org