Thierry De Peretti
Jury of the International Competition

Actor and director, Thierry de Peretti was born in Ajaccio, Corsica. He studied acting in Paris (Cours Florent) and is laureate of the Villa Medicis Hors-Les-Murs. He has staged plays by Shakespeare and Koltès, amongst other playwrights, that have been performed in the Théatre de la Ville and at the Comédie Française. He starred in films by Orso Miret, Alain Raoust, Bertrand Bonello and Patriche Chéreau. After having directed two short films (Le Jour de ma mort and Sleepwalkers), his first feature film Les Apaches was screened at La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in 2013, and his second feature Une vie violente was screened in la Semaine de la Critique in 2017.