Philippe-Alain Michaud
chief curator, FILM collection, MNAM-Centre Pompidou

Philippe-Alain Michaud is Curator at the Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Pompidou in charge of the collection of films, Professor at ERG, (Ecole de Recherche Graphique) Brussels and Visiting Professor at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, since 2008. He is the author of Aby Warburg and the Image in Motion (Zone Books, 2002 and Macula 2012), Le peuple des images (Desclée de Brouwer, 2004), Sur le film (Macula, 2016) and has written extensively on the relations between film and visual arts. He has curated a number of exhibitions among which : Comme le rêve le dessin (Musée du Louvre/Centre Pompidou, 2004), Le mouvement des images (Centre Pompidou, 2006), Nuits électriques (Musée, de la photographie, Moscou and Laboral (Gijon, Spain) 2007, Tapis volants (Villa Medici, Rome and Les Abattoirs, Toulouse) 2010, Images sans fin, Brancusi photographie, film (Centre Pompidou, 2012, with Clément Cheroux and Quentin Bajac), Beat Generation (Centre Pompidou, 2016, with Rani Singh and Jean-Jacques Lebel).