The festival for kids

WW1, kaleidoscope

Felix le chat & co

United States
45 min
Black & white

From Micky, the ancestor of Mickey, to Chaplin, 5 short films to discover animated on the Great War and burlesque films from the same period. 

Felix goes to war
by Patt Sullivan
1922 / USA / 6.34 min / N&B

Micky in War
by Walt Disney
1926 / USA / 6.58 min / N&B

Placide s’en va-t-en guerre
by Paul Terry
1930 / USA / 5.22 min / N&B

The Bond
by Charles Chaplin
1918 / USA / 7.20 min / N&B

Arthème fait des affaires
by Ernest Servaes
1913 / France / 7 min / N&B


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