Ben Zaken
Efrat Corem
Three generations of the Ben Zaken family live together in a small apartment in the outskirts of the seaside city of Ashkelon. Dina generously busies herself with helping her sons Leon and Schlomi. While the first works as the director of a construction business, the second barely manages to survive between a precarious employment situation and taking care of his 11 year old daughter Ruhi, a hypersensitive girl and a tormented soul. Ben Zaken falls within the kind of Israeli filmmaking that looks at a dysfunctional society with a centripetal and critical eye — this family constituting a sharp and painful allegory of such a society. Efrat Corem depicts frontally the characters struggling with a deep-seated angst, while he lets the film’s absent figures resonate —Ruhi’s mother and Dina’s husband, the father of the two sons.
(Arnaud Hée)
Efrat Corem a étudié le cinéma au Sapir College. Son film de fin d'études, Your younger daughter Rachel, a été sélectionné à la Cinéfondation en 2007. Depuis 2009, elle est directrice artistique du festival du Film du Sud de Sderot, en charge de la section dédiée au cinéma israélien. Ben Zaken est son premier film.
Patra Spanou
- Interprétation
- Eliraz Sade, Rom Shoshan, Mekikes (Ronen) Amar, Chani Elemlch
- Scénario
- Efrat Corem
- Photographie
- Shafir Sarussi
- Son
- Michael Goorevitch
- Montage
- Nisim Massas, Lev Goltser
- Décors
- Ben Shalom Davidi
- Production
- Laïla Films - Itai Tamir