Somewhere in Europe in the IXth century, the destiny of Joan is being played out: that of a naive and gentle young woman. After her father’s death, she begins to work as a copyist in a monastery where she becomes attached and soon falls in love with a cheerful monk named Fromentin. The two are made to face a world that is perverted in its own faith, plagued by a violence which will take the life of Joan’s precious companion. La Papesse Jeanne (Pope Joan) tackles the question of history in cinema through faith in the cinematic act’s capacity to elicit a world. Jean Breschand draws the portrait of a charismatic figure, singular in her femininity. At once vigorous and carnal, Joan makes her way towards consciousness and power. This occurs without ever highlighting or decreeing the protagonist’s subversive dimension. (Arnaud Hée)
Scénariste et critique, Jean Breschand a réalisé de nombreux documentaires. Il a été rédacteur à Vertigo et a publié aux Cahiers du cinéma, Le documentaire, l’autre face du cinéma.
Courts métrages
notamment : Métropolitaines (1995), Le Retour du monde (2003), L'Aménagement du territoire (2006)La Papesse Jeanne est son premier long métrage.
Gérard Frot-Coutaz award
World Premiere
Lucie Commiot (Shellac)
- Interprétation
- Agathe Bonitzer; Grégoire Tachnakian, Sabine Haudepin, Jean-Emmanuel Pagni, Nans Laborde-Jourdaa, Francis Coffinet, Mostefa Djadjam
- Scénario
- Jean Breschand; François Prodromides
- Photographie
- Carlos Alvarez
- Son
- Graciela Barrault
- Montage
- Florence Bresson
- Musique
- Sylvain Kassap
- Décors
- Brigitte Brasart
- Production
- Stéphane Jourdain (La Huit Production) et De Gaulle Eid (CINED Productions)