Le Parc
Damien Manivel

Two teenagers find themselves in a park, where they look for each other by way of a sentimental, shy, gauche, and out-of-tune choreography. Damien Manivel films these two bodies in the landscape, and seems to be simultaneously recording the environment’s air and vibrations. At its core, Le Parc drifts away and derails from its prosaic craftsmanship towards an oneiric fantasy. Then comes the time for goodbyes – the boy returns home – and the time for nightfall. The ensuing text message exchange transforms into a breathless and heated power struggle. This episode opens up on a second choreography, which constitutes the hallucinated and possessed rerun of its previous iteration, like a conjuring rite carried out through the elements and figures of night-time. (Arnaud Hée)
Après avoir été danseur, Damien Manivel a étudié le cinéma au Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains.
Courts métrages
Viril (2007), Soit sage ô ma douleur (Entrevues 2008), La Dame au chien (2010), Un dimanche matin (2012)
Longs métrages
Un jeune poète (2014)
Lucie Commiot (Shellac)
- Interprétation
- Naomie Vogt-Roby, Maxime Bachellerie, Sobere Sessouma
- Scénario
- Damien Manivel et Isabel Pagliai
- Photographie
- Isabel Pagliai
- Son
- Jérôme Petit, Simon Apostolou
- Montage
- William Laboury
- Production
- Damien Manivel (MLD Films), Thomas Ordonneau (Shellac Sud)