Les garçons sauvages
Bertrand Mandico

Five ultra-violent teens are sent off on the Capitan’s boat, who is charged with setting them on the straight and narrow. It is the early 20th century and the journey turns out to be a nightmarish adventure. Once they have arrived on an island whose natural wilderness bears aphrodisiac properties, the crew starts to undergo a strange metamorphosis. After creating many baroque short films of unbridled imagination, Bertrand Mandico’s cinema is here transformed into a sublime butterfly, wielding all of its artistic virtuosity, including incredible old-fashioned superimpositions and physical special effects. Here, he invents a filmic world dominated by actresses, combining fascination and anxiety, reflecting desire in its purest state. (Laurence Reymond)
Diplômé en cinéma d’animation au CFT Gobelins, Bertrand Mandico poursuit ses expériences visuelles dans ses nombreux courts métrages mais aussi dans ses textes, photos, dessins...
CM/SF : entre autres : Boro in the Box (2011), Prehistoric Cabaret (2013), Notre Dame des hormones (2014)Lire l'article de Guillaume Riether, Rédacteur pour Entrevues
Louise Rinaldi (Ecce films)
Lucie Plumart (UFO Distribution)
- Interprétation
- Pauline Lorillard, Vimala Pons, Diane Rouxel, Annaël Snoek, Mathilde Warnier, Sam Louwyck, Elina Löwensohn, Nathalie Richard
- Scénario
- Bertrand Mandico
- Photographie
- Pascale Granel
- Son
- Simon Apostolou, Laure Saint-Marc, Daniel Gries
- Montage
- Laure Saint Marc
- Musique
- Pierre Desprats, Hekla Magnusdottir
- Décors
- Astrid Tonnellier
- Production
- Emmanuel Chaumet (Ecce films)