Valérie Massadian

Milla is in love with Leo and these desolation angels find refuge in an abandoned house. Their precarious little world is challenged by Leo’s job on a trawler.Thus begins a second movement in which Milla's character grows up, transforming to the point of illuminating the film. A portrait of a fighter, a resistance shared by the other women she meets along the way. A galaxy of feminine characters who represent a suffering but supportive group, and the kind of beauty that appears where you’d least expect it: in the light falling on a wall, in the sound of a baby suckling at a breast, and in the kind of complicity that has no need for words. (Laurence Reymond)
Valérie Massadian est photographe et cinéaste. Son travail se concentre sur des personnages féminins. Son long métrage Nana a remporté le prix du meilleur premier film au festival de Locarno.
CM / SF : Ninouche (2011), America (2013), Precious (2014)
LM / FF : Nana (Entrevues 2011)
Jane Roger (JHR Films)
- Interprétation
- Séverine Jonckeere, Luc Chessel, Ethan Jonckeere, Valérie Massadian
- Scénario
- Valérie Massadian
- Photographie
- Mel Massadian, Robin Fresson
- Son
- Aline Huber
- Montage
- Valérie Massadian
- Production
- Sophie Erbs (Gaijin), João Matos (Terratreme Films), Tom Dercourt (Cinema Defacto)