virtual Realities

An exploration of the dramatic potential of “VR”, focussing on two areas: the screening of films in VR, that illustrate its narrative potential and a selection of films that explore VR as a key element of the narrative.

Miyubi (en VR)
Félix Lajeunesse / Paul Raphaël

Welt am Draht
Rainer Werner Fassbinder

strange days
Kathryn Bigelow

The Truman Show
Peter Weir

David Cronenberg

A Scanner Darkly
Richard Linklater

Autrement, la Molussie
Nicolas Rey

Spike Jonze

Ernste Spiele [1, 2, 3, 4]
Harun Farocki

Tant que je brillerai (work in progress)
Eléonore Weber

Real Estate
Neil Beloufa

Chose Mentale
William Laboury

Martin pleure
Jonathan Vinel

William Laboury

Carte blanche au Frac de Franche-Comté : The record
Ulla Von Brandenburg